Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Interim Review References 09 - Representing Internal Space
Interim Review References 08 - Work Spaces
- Massimo Vitali's photographs of people at leisure in public spaces also explores this subject.
Interim Review References 07 - Representation of Landscape - The West
Interim Review References 06 - Representation of the Man-Altered Landscape
- Bill Owens series 'Suburbia'
Interim Review References 05- Paul Graham
They were taken with a hidden camera in dole offices in 80s England and are similar to Evans' subway images in catching the subjects unguarded, unaware and within a specific built environment.
Interim Review References 04 - Oliver Boberg
His work touches on similar themes of the image, illusion & space as Carl Zimmerman, who had been the main point of reference in the project.
Interim Review References 03
References were also made to
-the upper floor of John Gerrard's exhibition in the Gallery of Photography in 2003(a viewing platform presented views onto a landscape)
-Canaletto's images of Venice
-Bosselmann's book - Representation of Places
Interim Review References 02 - Helen Levitt
Interim Review References 01
Through the discussions, some really interesting references came up, in relation to each of the 8 assignments. I'm going to post them up in separate posts to follow this one.
Below are some books references sent to us by Paul after the session:
Photographs and Photography in Irish Local History - Liam Kelly
Reconstructing Space: Architecture in Recent German Photography - Gerda Breuer, Rolf Sachsse, Neil Leach and Hubertus von Amelunxen
Building with Light - An International History of Architectural Photography - Robert Elwall
Representation of Places: Reality and Realism in city Design - Peter Bosselmann
Also, some films mentioned by Gul & Ros:
The Belly of an Architect (1987) by Peter Greenway
Things to Come (1936) by directed by William Cameron Menzies and written by HG Wells
Rear Window (1954) by Alfred Hitchcock
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010
Space Framed - Interim Review 29 March
Each student has 5 minutes, and should bring books, pictures etc to explain their assignment topic.
Try to address these questions
- What's your subject matter?
- What are you trying to find out?
- How are you trying to find this out?
- How will you know when you have found this out?
Space Framed - Week 7
Fiona elaborated on photography and its relation to a mapping/ordering of the world, describing how we can 'never knowingly know anywhere', but how we can use photography to add layers of knowledge to our understanding of the world
This, combined with Hugh's analysis of how he compiled a research paper, relating to the Swarkowski's photographs of Louis Sullivan's work formed an interesting discussion, and one that will inform the work on the assignment over the coming weeks.
Fiona also referred to Taryn Simon, and her book 'An American History of the Hidden and Unfamiliar'
Simon photographed sites and sights in America that underlie the society there, but are unknown, undiscussed and sometimes undisclosed to create this series of images.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The fact i am attracted to and identify with many of Wenders photographs rests to a large extent upon shared feeling that we are looking at ourselves in particular moments of inwardness and reflection.
Wenders photographs capture sitters who are generally fully aware of their own presence or lost in their own thoughts. The potographs show diferent age of people in a familiar subject matter. Each of them are reflected through windows, mirrors, images, water and shadows which implies their figurative meaning.
In addition the photographs seem to exist outside a time because of the reduction of black and white and expressive elements.
All these components leads us in the sitters moment of withdrawal which let us think about ourselve in the past, present and future as well.
All the picture seen together create a meaning simply through their recurrence.
Wenders photographs reminds me of the book from walker evans, it is called "the americians". I could try to relate it to them?!